Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Which Breeds of dogs do you want in the future?
I've always wanted a border collie. they're beautiful dogs and are good at agility, which is something I would love to look into.
A question about brake rotors?
i have a 1988 olds delta 88 and when i put the brakes on, it pulsates, i figure i need brake rotors, but they dont do it all the time. i put new brake pads on and the calipers are working fine, so will rotors make the wheel shake sometimes and sometimes not?. i even used brake cleaner on the rotors.
What gives ANYONE/Government the right to ban smoking in a business that wants to ban NON-Smokers?
If I owned a bar, and if I wanted to, I would ban NON-Smokers from both working and partaking of my services. Sounds to me like that is the right of the business owner, not the non-smoker or the government. What are your thoughts and please, try to make some sensible argument that grants people who have NOTHING invested in something, making the rules?
Would you pay $12 a month for trash valet?
If you lived at an apartment complex or currently live at one, would you pay $12 a month for someone to pick your trash up 3 days a week at your door step? That's a total of 12 pickups for the month. The alternative of course would be take the trash to the dumpster yourself but a lot of times that can be a hle especially in winter time and if your far from the dumpster. With this service you could avoid late night trips to the dumpster as well as not loading the trash on your car....your thoughts?
I have a dog training question?
I have a young dog, mix between a chiwawa and maltese (older than a pup) that has never been properly housebroken. He is actually fairly obedient otherwise, and I have tried everthing i know, including set times for feedings, long walks etc. Should I go get a book on Dog training or should I pay a service to do it? If I should read a book, can you name some good ones? If I should pay a service, what would be reasonable? 1 session? 3 sessions or longer? what would be a resonable rate for simple but effective housebreaking training. signed, up to my nose in dog poop/pee!
Please: I'm desperate!?
If anyone here has a career related to zoology, or just biology. Please! I need to survey people about their careers by tonight for a project, and so far no one has answered back. It won't take long, about 5 minutes at the most, please email me if you can do it, I'm in desperate need of help!
How do you feel about parents smoking pot?
ok people please no rude post just a question i saw on babycenter.com so i was wondering what yall think about it. well how do you feel about parents smoking pot during preagancy or after or while they are feeding. i am in school for crimial justice and have have done afew study and have my sergent tell me that he thinks it should be legel cas than they could focuse more on the drugs that do damage to people. now i know my mom was a hippe and she smoked during and while feeding and me and all of her other kids are just fine.. i have not smoked since i was 16 twenty now. i know there are so called research done on it but how do we kn ow they are not just saying stuff like that so people dont do it. but pot is 200 times better than cigerattes and beer and other drugs to me. please no rudeness i dont come on here for that thank you very much have a good day. and cant wait to her how you feel on this subject
I revved up my engine then my car stalled?
It's a 78 firebird I revved it up while it was parked to about 6000 rpms than it stalled. Now it won't start I've let it sit there for about 20 minutes I wonder if I just flooded it, or something more serious.
Infantry - Deep Recconnaissance?
XVIII Airborne Corps LRS at Ft. Bragg is the last active duty Corps level recon unit left in the Army. The next tier of reconnaissance is Special Reconnaissance which is strictly the domain of SOF units. Corps LRS is also has one of the VERY few conventional units that has HALO slots (one platoon of six 6 man teams).
What do I do...I have a bad sore throat and a headache!!!!?
I took Advil... that's kind of working i guess and i gargled with salt to kill the bacteria in my throat.....WHAT WORKS FOR YOU???
Im having trouble with my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp?
This could be a problem with your guitar actually, i know what you mean. Wires inside your guitar always break just from spinning nobs or even pluggin in your amp chord. The problem could actually be your guitar itself. Or it could be your guitar chord. If you haven't moved it then it has to be the chord or guitar.
What should i replace on my high mileage vw jetta?
The catalytic converter may need replacing - that will cause a lack of power. The "clanking" noise is obviously hard to diagnose w/out seeing the car..look around and see if there's anything metal that is loose or hitting on something. Fuel cleaner in the fuel tank will help keep the carb/injectors clean. The fuel filter (or filters) may need replacing also - sometimes one near the inlet line for the fuel and/or near the fuel tank. New plugs are a good idea, if not done already
Where can i find like a drawing or blueprint of a engine??
what the hell is a blueprint of an engine?Maybe a cutaway. Try youtube they got some cool videos on that kinda stuff.
Please i need help?
i need to know a good like that will play me " boot scootin boogie" i went to al kinds but they do not even play the video..please help
So ppl like bashing jeff hardy?
Well cause they don't like a superstar is why they complain, but i do think there is a little to much on here. but what are you gonna do? Cena has tons of haters, Hardy has haters, EVERYONE has haters. People will hate those people you named up there for those reasons, others will hate them because they just don't find them entertaining.
Any place for learning Spanish in Bay Area CA?
I want to learn Spanish but sitting at home and self learning does not work for me. Can someone suggets some schools/cles for adults whereby I can ineract and learn Spanish Language in the bay area in CA
Which scriptures should I read to strengthen my Krishna Bhakti and convert it into the Darshana of Krishna?
You should read biography of Meera bai and Surdas. They both are really great. You should read their bhajans. Those bhajans are extremely wet with God's love.
Is Bernard Hopkins the most admirable boxer today?
yes hopkins is impressive and should be the most admirable boxer today. i also think he should be the best pound for pound boxer today the men its 44 n he went from dominating the middleweight to now dominating the lightheavyweight not many people could do tat especially at age 44
Why are gay people gay?
You sound like you just asked someone from the 16th century about their opinion on people. We're in the 21st century - buddy - and you have freedom of speech, yes, but your opinion means nothing to me. Why would poeple CHOOSE to be discriminated against? Think about it. is a choice - you can choose who to have ual relations with, however, you don't choose whether you are ual, heteroual, ed, aual, etcetera. That's just ludicrous.
Cain and abel,,,, were did cains wife come from if cain and able were first born of adam and eve?
Adam and Eve had children other than Cain and Abel; Cain married either a sister or niece, they didn't have laws back then. It was kinda like how in the Greek myths Zeus married Vera, his sister.
Throughout Latin America has there ever been a mistrust of the indigenous against the spanish-speaking?
I don't know if that question is clear, but I would like to find out if there has ever been, or is, a form of the indigenous of latin america (in any country, but particularly of the main areas of spanish colonisation/slavery - peru, mexico etc) not trusting the spanish=speaking population... I mean in terms of language? did this cause the spanish spoken in latin america to change? adopt local words? - there probably isn't, but I was just thinking :p
Monday, January 9, 2012
Fetal Movement Monitoring ....?? ?
I went to my midwife today and told her my babys movements had slowed down ..almost drastically and she sent me to L&D for fetal movement monitoring. Everything was fine...thank god! His heartbeat was great, in the 150's...he looked fine on the sonogram and all that. He was moving a bit after they made me eat the jello Now he isn't moving again...he usually moves more in the night, but I remember him moving wayyy more then he is now! Im worried...even though I went and all was fine. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have a follow up appointment for fetal monitoring this week.
What do you think of this poem? help? feedback? I'll return the favor.?
This is pretty good. You are able to keep the reader's interest through the whole ordeal. For me, I want poems to lift me up and carry me off, forcefully guiding me to the planned destination. You did this well, making it easy to follow.
LMAO greeting card i got in the mail from the governer of alabama?
I'm in California and they sent one of those cards out every few months. It wasn't from our govenor though (Ahh-nold), but then I'm not sure who is in charge of the shot-cards around here.
New vegetarian?
Protein in pretty much in every food. Google the vegetarian food pyramid, pick up a book about vegetarianism (Vegetables Rock! a great book for teens) and google vegetarian recipes.
What do you think of 2009 being the hottest year on record in the Southern Hemisphere, 2nd-hottest globally?
Considering the data that is aculated from the temperature stations is now subject to inaccuracy in their findings it is more difficult to believe when the "scientists" come up with such numbers. I would like to see these findings studied by an independent non biased source. I do realize that temps are taken from other sources also by satelite and sea. But the land data is certainly subject and since we are dealing with government agencies to not question is to subside.
How do I apply to a fast food place that hasn't been built yet?
In my town they are building a Tim Hortons and I want to apply for a job there, but I don't know what to do. I went to the Tim Hortons website but they didn't have my town on the list. It says I can print out the application, but once I print it out and fill it out where am I supposed to take it?
Kolhler Command 18 v twin engine missfire?
Im rebuilding a friends husqvarna tractor into a race mower... first thing is first though.. The engine has a missfire on the left cylinder (from a behind the steering wheel perspective) I checked spark plugs they seem fine, I switched plugs to see if the missfire follows and it stayed left. spark plugs are out of the troubleshoot list.. I know little about this engine so what is next on the list of things to check in finding the cause of a missfire, and or sputtering of the left cylinder. thanks...
Yep another body question.. So will you answer it?
Ok so I am 14, 5"1 and I weigh 156.8lbs.. How can I lose weight? I feel so chubby.. Another thing I had to have like 4 back to back surgeries.. Which caused the weight gain. It also caused horrible stretch marks.. What do you suggest I do to lose weight and fade my stretch marks?? Oh and it can't be really strenuous.. I want to lose weight, have a flatter belly, and tone up my and thighs.. Please Please help me?
What songs do you want at your funeral?
"At The End of The Road", and I forgot the name but it goes like this. "When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be". I also like "Amazing Grace". I love the song, "It is Well With My Soul". The man who wrote it had gone through the loss of all of his children in a storm at sea. When he went on another ship and came to the place where his children died, the sea was calm and he wrote the words to the song. Some of the most beautiful songs were written during times of great stress and resolution. Mmm
What colour should i dye my hair next ?
ok i have scene hair which is fiery red and green and black coon-tails and im kinda sick of the colour i need a change any suggestions ?
Is there anyone out there like me?
that sounds heaps like me. my friends always tell me i have an "obsession" with people dying cuz i always have gruesome dreams about them and randoms, horror movies are like the only movies i like, sometimes they are funny. have u seen the saw movies they are pretty kewl! :) and i know what u mean about the pain being oddly satisfying! hehe so yeah i guess im sorta like you!!
I have a plot question about the movie The Edge with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin.?
Was Alec Baldwin's character plotting to kill Anthony Hopkins the entire movie, i.e. was that his intention when they got on to the plane, or did he just decide to kill him once he had the chance in the wilderness? My friend and I have a disagreement over this aspect of the movie.
Would legalized same- marriage lead to withdrawal of tax exemptions from churches?
ual orientation is not a 'protected cl' of citizens. If a church opts not to marry individuals based on the lifestyle decisions of those indiviuals it is the church's perogative.
Can you answer question 3?
An object emits 30 W of radiant power. If it were a perfect blackbody, other things being equal, it would emit 90 W of radiant power. What is the emissivity of the object?
We need help with cars.?
What is the point of buying a car together? Also, let's say the friendship breaks off, who gets the car? I would not recommend this.
Xbox 360 not working?
Not your fault, there are literally thousands of others if not more with the same problem including myself. I think the latest update messed up the older xbox consoles leaving them no good for play anymore. Why do i think this? Mine did the same thing and they said to send it for repair. I noticed when i got it back they replaced the disc drive but it still did not work not even 5 mins after opening and starting it. I called them and they started asking me questions about the games i tried playing and if i was connected to the internet. After the troubleshooting didnt work and my arguing lol, they said i might end up getting a new console as it shouldn't have broke that fast. So i personally feel they did something that screwed the other consoles up, so they are giving me a new one to shut me up.
Psychic Vamps in Tennessee?
Is there anyone out there that is a Psychic vampire or knows one in Tennessee areas? I'd like to get in contact with any of you, just send me a message or email.
Vernon from skint?
Is it me or has vernon become just a little bit too full of himself sipping redbull scroungin' for money then going buying hats ,i know people like this have it hard but he's not an alchy or that he could get up at 6am and do a days labouring for �6 or �7 an hour and get some money together ,i know someone who's not the full shilling and works all hours and has to have meds to keep him sane and stop phoning for ambulance's and that so if my mate can do it why can't he ,vernon is taking the piss he's even got a flat, i know the streets that vernon walks and i know his kind.
Limousine Software?
The closest thing I found is a href="http://www.econz.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page" rel="nofollow"http://www.econz.org/wiki/index.php/Main…/a
Should we have a house warming/party at all?
Once you are moved into the house and your parents have moved out, go ahead and have the party. Just call it a party, not a house warming. You could have a cook out or something and let everyone know that you just want an oppurtunity to host and event for the people you care about now that you have the means to do so, since you now have a new home. I think everyone will be happy to come to your party and see your new home.
In the early 1900s did people with the name 'Eva' get called Ethel?
You how names used to get changed, like William was Bill and John was Jack, did Eva get called Ethel? Just trying to find my great grandma in my geneology. She's called Eva Mary Croft born 1890, but mysteriously does not appear on the cencus returns, there is an Ethel that matches though, wondering if it could be her. Thanks in advance x
Jehovah's Witnesses: should your brother here be disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming a Christian?
"i" normally do not go to sites like that one, but it turns out you brought me again to answers! Yes that was more than sick, she declared it should be only for Girls, now "i" have answered questions sent declared only for this or that, but he was very strange and should not be able to do such as that! She is very young and could be bothered by that for a while! Molestation very well stated! There was one man there that commented upon it telling her fear not that most girls are that size at her age...very comforting from a male of her peers, praise God giving image of strength to the male population exposing our Love for Gods Daughters and the peace of mind being one of our Concerns, but again the mutant which spoke that filth we need gone.. for Proof of Gods mystery being finished and His code/keys being given and His gathering having begun {{And this site is suggested even though a religious site is recommended for people of an age of Understanding...on the about page and services page are many proofs of Gods enemy now being found}} ADAM AND EVE SEED GATHERING MINISTRY...GO GOOGLE SEARCH
Getting $8,000 in tax back for buying a house?
okay if you buy a house between now to Dec of 2009. Do you automatically get $8,000 back when you do your taxes and you wont get to pay back? but does that affect only if you buy a house? what if you buy a duplex does that affect it too? And does the amount of price of the home you buy has to fall in the XXX,XXX amount require to get that $8,000 or it doesn't matter what amount of the house you buy?
Please I Beg U To Answer ?
What should i do about a guy who fancys me and my BEST male friend after this ... this is what happened ... We Were Just Talking While Watchin A Film On His (my best male friend) Sofa, And I Thought it was weird when he put his arm round me but hes my friend so i went along wiv it and cuddled up 2 him then he kissed me on the cheek so when i turned to look at him he kissed me again on the lips so im quite attracted to him now because i kissed him back then he started softly snogging me then this guy who fancys me came in and punched my friend so i helped my friend and cleaned him up and the next thing i knew this guy who punched him was on top of me trying to rip my clothes off so my friend got him off and he finnally went then i was so shaken up and crying that ge felt sorry for me and just cuddled me what should i do about the guy and my best male friend!!
How do I get over an infatuation?
curious.. i had this happen to me. minus the facebook thing. she never liked me either and i was even more weird in that i ran up to her just to say hi. i was a loner in highschool too and i was fat. no one liked me but now that i think of it. i knew something about her other than that she was cute. well at least you know its infatuation now love. she seems like a, excuse my cursing but a huge *****. she practices her dominance over you by denying your friend ad. people like that are rude and filthy. and all their friends are as well because no self respecting mature nice girl would befriend someone like that. i wouldnt worry too much about it, those types of girls will get whats coming to them later in life. the universe always corrects itself so to speak. youre the better person, she may be beautiful but she has a foul black heart and thats what really matters. looks mean little in the long run. dont worry man amazing things will happen in time
Sunday, January 8, 2012
People constantly think we're dating but...?
i think that its great that you two are waiting to date. usually when you start dating it doesn't last that long...it would be better to wait until your personality is stable since your both are going thru puberty and your most likely to change...friends last longer! and you'll always have him on your side and also you kinda are dating...regularly making contact with someone of the opposite gender where you both have romantic feelings toward each other but i think that the relationship between you two is great i wouldn't change it or try to move deeper into the relationship until you know that the both of you are ready and that you feel the exact same way...hope i helped!! <3
Ramadan: Why do you deny your own Hadiths- these are your Hadith books?
JAJAJA :) jazak Allah khair sis i was lookin for the narrations to prove to these people but you did the work ... great job ... the reason why they cant handle their own hadith is bcuz the truth hurts and if they did they'd convert to Shia لعنة الله علوهابية
Is it true that Lynyrd Skynyrd adopted the riff from "Sweet Home Alabama" from an old jazz song?
My freind (Who knows absolutly nothing about music) said that the riff came from from a jazz tune by Frank Sinatra or someone from the 40s. If they really did, who wrote the original and what of the song. (I doubt that this is true anyway)
I need someone to help me interpret this dream, please!?
Does the American Caucasians still have a strong connections with their British roots?
I think the Canadians still has that sort of feelings since Canada were the last former British Empire in North America.This is also why they were accepted as part of the British Commonwealth nations just like India,Pakistan,Singapore,Malay... and Australia. How about the people in the United States?I still believe they have many blood relatives in the UK or in the other regions of the European blocks that they haven't seen or met since half a century ago.Why the United States Of America were not listed as part of the Commonwealth nations?I'm very sorry to ask these questions since i don't know much about the history of North America.Hope you guys would mind to give some infos about these.For those who replied,thanks a lot:-))
Do I call their bluff if they are practically blackmailing me?
I would not worry about it, if I were you I would call her on it cause what you are not thinking about is the fact that she had these pics for a very long time and will make her look just as bad as she. if she wasn't going to use them against you she would have spilled the beans a long time ago. so i say look her right in the eye and call her on it
Amp question 2?
I have two 12 inch Alpine Type R's powered by ONE Alpine 600W mono amp. (MRD-600 i think but it may have changed now) That is PLENTY to power both subs if you wire them in parallel. They are in a self made sealed box and sound phenomenal.
Should I get a Master's in Psychology or Occupational Therapy?
I will be done with my Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology in a year, and I can't decide which Masters would be better. I need to start applying to Grad schools fairly soon. I live in Texas, and would like to stay in Texas.
Now that GM is selling Hummer to a Chinese company will we be able to buy them for $5000?
Without the union wages, and funding needed for the retirement packages Hummers should be dirt cheap! How will Obama Motors compete with that?
How do I get songs from my computer onto my palm centro?
I just got a palm centro and I wanna put my songs i have on my computer on it to use as ringtones? But I dont have internet, so how do i get the songs on there? Please be specific and if you have step by step clear instructions...thatd be greaat.
I miss my girlfriend, what should I do to get her back?
OK, so about a month or two ago, things changed for the worse in our relationship. We had been dating for 7 months, but then she began to withdraw, told me she needed some more space, yada yada yada. I gave her some more space, and it was on the fence for several weeks. Then it happened, and she pretty much cut off all communication. However, I know for a fact that I was the best guy she has ever had, I respected her and treated her the way a woman should be treated. Maybe I went overboard, but I am hoping she will realize what she is missing. Last weekend, she texted me asking about my new puppy I got, so I was hopeful maybe things would open up again. Obviously she was somewhat interested in what is going on in my life, but I purposely didn't sound desperate or sad that I didn't have her. Problem is, I am and I want to try to work things out again. She never really explained why she broke up, it was pretty much done over text messages and it broke my heart. Any advice about what I could do to make her rethink it, maybe make her miss me?
Are my mice breeding?
I have a male and a female mouse in a ten gallon tank. They were originally for my python but i decided to breed them so that my baby snakes had food instead of buying pinkies every week. They have been together for 14 days now. I notice the male follows the female around sniffing her . How can i tell if they are breeding successfully? I've had hamsters when i was younger and they had babies and we didnt purposely breed them but they had babies. I just want to know this: How can i tell if they are successfully breeding. I breed corn snakes, hognose snakes, and ball pythons.
Can anyone tell me what Simpson Episodes these are?
Im looking for the name of the episode when moe opens up a new bar, I think he calls it Club M. The other epsiode im looking for is the one where lisa takes gymnastic cles and i think she goes to college in the same episode.
Memory disk space running low?
Recently Something On My Computer popped up about my memory disk space is running low, and i should delete programs and pics, and stuff...What Does This Mean....I deleted stuff, and it hasnt popped up lately, buh if it does again...Can i buy More memory.! [i really dont like deleting stuff]
How do i unlock giga bowser on super smash brothers melee? what is the best way to do it?
i need to know how to unlock giga bowser on ssbm and would like to kno the best method to unlock him. thank you =p
What would be a good subject to inform or convince my clmate of for a speech?
Lots of good topics at a href="http://www.myspeechcl.com." rel="nofollow"http://www.myspeechcl.com./a I send a lot of students there for info and topics.
Question on taxes ???
can you give me an illustration on how a tax is shifted in the case of a tax on a house and in the case of the tariff?????
If you can unscramble this I can guarantee you that you will be voted best answer!?
It's four words and has to do with Catholic saints. I know its not a saint because there isn't an S or a T in the scramble. So it has something to do with saints. The scramble is "DOOANGFALLYIHYITBOO" If you can get you will be voted best answer.
What amp should I use to get a nice Southern/Clic/Modern Rock sound?
First off I have to get something from musicansfriend.com. I want a solid state amp, I'm not a big fan of tubes. However along with the rock tones I would like to get a semi-blues tone, nothing SUPER blues, maybe possibly to dial in a sort of demi-blues, but thats not exactly required as long as I can get the rock sounds (Something similar to ZZ-Top, Skynyrd, The Nuge. And then bands like The Foo Fighters, and then be able to crunch down a tad for sounds like Velvet Revolver, maybe some Queens of the Stone Age.) The amp in question is a Marshall MG100HDFX/MG412 Slant Cab Half Stack (Musican's Friend product number: 482807) I'm pretty sure this is a versatile amp for rock music of all kinds. But I would like your opinions on this amp or recommendations for another. (musicians friend does not carry mesa boogie) On another note, I play a Fender American Deluxe Ash Strat. Thanks.
I want to live with my father?
I'm 14 and i live in England with my mother. My mum is verbally abuse, has a very shorty temper and often physically lashes out, and i cant take it any longer! I want to go and live with my father, but he lives in Ireland. this means i would have to leave schools and move to somewhere where i don't know any one my age! and i am half way though my GCSE's which makes everything so much harder --- do i have a choice in what i do???
Is Disneyland in Anaheim more busy than normal the week BEFORE Christmas?
OC is correct in his answer. I have also been there during the holidays including Christmas eve and day. It is busy but managable before Christmas and gets busier the week after.
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses believe in hell fire?
JW's may never see the truth because the promises are not for them. I think we should just pray for them. We can't change the damage that the Watchtower has done to them, only God can change and open their eyes. Pray....there's power in prayer!
Why is Murray State going to beat Butler?
Murray State will not beat Butler even though it would be great if they did. Considering Murray State won on a buzzer beater today. Butler handled UTEP today, who was predicted to upset Butler 77-59. Butler is to solid of a squad.
Studying and need help with a few terms?
Magna Carta, Eastern woodland Indians, Jamestown, virtual representation, Olive Branch Petition, Puritan "declension", Anarchy vs. Patriarchy, Inflation, Biological Exchange. Any of these you can help me with that would be great!!
If you could only live with 1 out of these 3 items which one would you pick?
I could do without a cell phone. I went with out a phone for a long time. I used a pay phone. What bliss no one called me to complain or want something.
Why do so many white americans claim native american ancestry, yet...?
a lot of whites have black in them and Indian so why do you have a problem with white mixed blood as time Marches by sum will marry whiter and some will go darker that does not change that people have a right to there gene pool there is always others who don't want others being in the there pool to bad DNA cards are coming and try stopping science and facts from telling the real story.
What are some good finger foods for baby?
My 9-month-old LOVES to feed himself (and it really frees me up to do other things) so I'm looking for some new finger food ideas for him. Right now, he's rocking the cheerios, cut up cheese and those gerber puff things. I've tried spiral pasta cooked very well but that seems to make him choke -- don't know if it's the shape, texture or what but it just doesn't work. What else can I give him that he can mash up with his gums (no teeth yet). He has the pincer grasp down well and he doesn't let his toothlessness get in his way. Any ideas?
Are any of these game valuable?
With all due respect mate, none of these games are worth a penny cuz i played them when i was a kid and now the upcoming games on XBOX360 and PS3 are blastingly powerful, so you can clear your shelf for good.
Phones: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?
Both have touch screens. Both are made by Palm. The centro is basically the latest model of Treo, and it's a little bit slimmer than the Treo. Were it up to me, I'd choose the Centro. I have owned Treos in the past, though. They're nice data devices, mediocre phone devices. Depends on what you're gonna do with it. So, my advice is: go with the Centro if you're going to be data-centric. Hope this helps!! Below is a review of the Centro from Engadget. I echo their sentiments.
I wan't a new HP PC, but I do not understand the 32/64 bit Vista software, what is the big difference?
I wan't an excellent entertainment package and I am not sure which system to get that will optimize my ability to view Blu-Ray and digital TV through my computer and edit video/pictures??
Name as many video game characters who wear HOODS?
Jin Kazama a href="http://1.bp.blo.com/_RBeyXCiF4dE/TPEyP3WWDpI/AAAAAAAAAe8/aQU0GL-pUUc/s1600/jin%2Bkazama.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://1.bp.blo.com/_RBeyXCiF4dE/TP…/a
Is this a cute jacket?
that style is SO dead. its sorta scene and immature. but if you like it- dont worry about what we tell you, just wear it!! im sure you'd rock it.
Herbal essence dangerously straight shampoo?
I have thick wavy hair and i dont like it. I was wondering if the herbal essence dangerously straight shampoo collection would work for my hair? Or something else cos i hate my hair thanks
Any Advice for me, anyone?
I got pregnant by a womanizer, heartless man...now, he doesnt want to do anything with me and keep on telling me that I got pregnant because I refused to take the pills and was trying to get him.... words like he doesn't love me and other hurtful sentences was thrown in my face... I want to get even, but i love him so much....I dont want to believe this is happening to me now, im 34 weeks pregnant, been sleepless and constantly cryin for two weeks now...what should I do?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tarantula Informationn?
I Have Been Trying To Find Information On A Burst Horned Baboon, But I Can Not Find AnyThing. Could Anyone Help Me Find Some?
Just help me at any cost ( 10 pts to the person that answers it(?
All are related to molecules fitting together properly. The rest of your homework, you will have to do yourself.
Has Industrialization Done More Bad Than Good?
Does the benefits of industrialization outweigh the negatives? For example, has advances in medicine saved more lives than pollution or car accidents (two effects of industrialization) have taken?
How many calories are in 1 bowl yellow(moong) dal cooked with vegetable oil not ghee and half bowl of boiled?
half bowl of boiled basmati rice there was no ghee in dal there was canola oil in it ... and it was not too much :)
Ladies & Gents, what should I do with this "relationship"?
I've been dating this girl for 6 months and we recently separated but she says we really didn't break up she says "I can't handle a relationship right now because of work let's just be mellow". I like her very much and she feels the same but I feel um kinda left out and hella confused. Should I just support her and wait or move on?
What is a Mima mound?
Dude.. some people need to stop copying their info from websites. Mima Mounds are named for the prarie in WESTERN Washington state, not SW Washington. Sure similar mounds may be found all over the world, but they are know by other names by their local villagers. Who knows why they were formed, but it is a good way to keep the greeners busy. These mounds probably originally covered most of the praries of the world, but the thousands of years of grazing, leveling, and harvesting the fields have flattened them.
What public servants in the UK wear wigs as part of their official dress?
Wigs used to be a status symbol. So just as how the judge sits on an elevated bench(to be higher) he/she also wears a robe and a wig again to reflect his/her status. Its a holdover.
Should I get Fallout 3 or Fable II?
So I want to get one of these RPG's for Christmas. I have never owned a legit RPG before (unless you count Pokemon) and I am looking to expand my videogame library from Call of Duty, GTA, and Rock Band. I borrowed Oblivion from my friend and gave it back to him the next day, I hated it. So at first I thought Fable was out of the question because I disliked Oblivion. But then my other friend, who hated Oblivion also, LOVES Fable. Also, I thought I would get Fallout, because I have always liked guns more than magic. But now I've heard a lot of bad things about Fallout about how the combat is too easy and always the same, and there aren't a lot of creatures to fight against. And I want a game that has a lasting appeal and that once I get it, I will want to do it again and again and again. Which game do you think I should get?
How to boost a 758 credit score?
I have not had any debt in years, and my credit score is static at 758. Would a personal loan now boost my score within a year in a tangible way? How much could it go up? +2 to 760, or +10 to 768? And would a 760 or 768 qualify me for a lower rate on, say, a $100k construction loan versus 758?
Trade Talk For Melo in 3 team trade?
impossible curry is terrible and has a contract of 11.28 million who would want him and the knicks dont have a 1st round pick and th only team that benefits from this trade is the knicks
3-1-1 rule?
The containers must be 3 ounces, so it won't work with a 6-ounce container that is half full. You can pack your baggie as full as you want as long as it closes; I've managed to put shampoo, conditioner, perfume, toothpaste, liquid makeup, and 6 or 8 of the tiny airplane liquor bottles in one bag with no problem.
Kaka + Messi = Ronaldo ?
ermmmm...i dont agree with this because messi has some specific talents in football,kaka has some good specific talents in football and ronaldo has some specific talents in football so 3 of them are good at different things football has lots of features.e.g accuracy,stamina,ability etc.so i totally disagree with this.
What makes the Queen so Royal?
If the bloodline on the Monarchy ends at George VI then why not just switch Kings and Queens everytime one dies by choosing the Right person who can represent the UK instead of using a Monarchy that only dates back to the late 30s. Wheres the bloodline? Wheres the Royal in the Royal family?
Where do a I see these pokemon in Diamond?
All in victory road. They're trainers. to find in the wild, get a craniados from the underground, trade machoke, moon stone on clefairy, Wayward cave(under bike route) for gible, and safari zone for carnivine
What does this body language tell u?
I'd like to learn more about body language. What does it mean when a person keeps puttin their hands in their pockets, or behind their backs.
If your spouse is in a coma who makes their medical decisions?
A friend of mine who is married is INSISTENT that if she were to be in a coma and unable to make her own medical decisions that her brother not her husband would be asked to make all her medical decisions. Doesn't the law state that your spouse is your next of kin? I've given up arguing with her because she's insisting she's right. I think she's wrong. She doesn't have a living will or any kind of advance directive stating her brother would be in charge. So what is the right answer? Is her husband or her brother in charge?
What are the symptoms of Achilles tendinitis?
pain and stiffness in the achilles tendon, possibly swelling. Use the RICE technique Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
Should Samina Malik the Lyrical Terrorist be charged with Treason?
I’m amazed how y this young lady appeared to be leading up to this. How does one actually say they enjoy beheadings and that non-Muslims should be slaughtered while growing up and living in England? Treason is indeed applicable here. Free speech certainly has limits and this idiot appears to have none. I say 20 years and then deportation - maybe to Saudi Arabia?
Motoblur Cliq xt help?
so this new phone is supposed to sync my contacts from social networks. and even tho i have this awesome phone, my parents gave this to me without 3G internet (or texting, but that's besides the point). anyway, is there any way i can sync my contacts without the 3G internet by the service provider (mine's T-mobile btw) using Wi-Fi? i remember doing it once because all of my contacts and profile pictures got updated even without the 3G connection. but i don't recall how i managed to do it.
Just watched, The Devils Backbone, great film, what are peoples fave guillermo del toro movies?
Wow Guillermo is a true talent. I really enjoyed his first feature film "Cronos" That was really original. I recently went to see "Pan's Labyrinth" in Spain as it was released earlier over there, I imagine, due to the Spanish Actors working on this film, and the film is great. Highly recommended. I also enjoyed "The Devil's Backbone" & "Hellboy" Unfortunately other than Hellboy, his Hollywood films have not really been that great, and this is probably by the American Bigwigs getting involved with his film making. "Blade 2" was crap and so was "Mimic" I always look forward to anything by Guillermo Del Toro. He is a very talented man, and I'm really looking forward to "Hellboy 2"
For no apparent reason, my sister's neck is hurting and she can't move it at all. What could be wrong?
I know west nile virus can make it so you have trouble moving your neck, but she says she hasn't had any bites. What do you think could be causing this? My mom says she will take her to the doctor if its not better tomorrow.
.50 cal muzzleloader recoil?
Whats the recoil like of a .50 cal muzzleloader? Never had/or fired/or even seen one in action. Whats the noise like with hearing protection, recoil, killing power on deer, mule deer, maybe elk? Whats the range of it on those game. Really thinking about getting one.
Dora knows your name phone?
I can not get it downloaded for nothing and I have a new computer and have everything you need to down load it but it will not work I am getting really mad help please!!
Victor and Sabrina?? Y&R Young and the Restless?
So, does anyone know what exactly it is that BREAKS these two up??? I've seen it in soo many spoilers, so we know it's coming, but what does it??? just curious, thanks kiddos :)
Fuchsia high heels for homecoming?
i found some i want but they are way to expensive can you help me with finding something similar to this please. its for homecoming! thanks :) http://www.heels.com/womens-shoes/burke-heel-fuschia.html
Having problems removing bolts from brake caliper bracket?
Ok i have managed to get the calipers off which was a little hard considering the rust but i did it and went to remove the bracket and was able to remove the top bolt but the bottom one just doesn't want to give. My wife keeps suggesting that the bottom bolt is a different thread and that i need to turn it the opposite direction of the top one but to me that doesn't make any sense having two different threads. I'm not a great maechanic but i have changed a fair amount of brakes but this set on my 00' Hyundai Tiburon is giving me problems. This is the first "foreign" car that i've done the brakes on and am thinking " am i doing something wrong"? I know people will say take it to a shop but i can do the job no prob it's just that one bolt giving me a hard time.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Is it more awesome to ride in a Ferrari or drive a Lotus?
Okay so my friend's girlfriend's dad has a Ferrari Spyder 430 and my friend has rode in it. My friend has a Lotus Elise and if I ask him I could drive it any time I like with him in the car. The friend with the girlfriend is the same age as me (8th grade) and the friend with the Lotus is a sopre in high school. I just need answers to settle a debate.
What do i do if i like my best friend?
i like my best friend, but hes 2 years younger than me and sometimes it seems like he likes me too but its hard to tell. We constantly have flirty banter. Should i make a move or wait for him? How do i know that he likes me?
How do i ask this girl out at the uni hockey cub?
Just be yourself. Go out there and be confident. Leave a note in her equpiment or become friends with on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Yahoo, AIM, YouTube, whatever website you can think. Get to know her more. See if she is giving verbal clues and try to let her know you like her too. Don't come off as stalkerish though. My boyfriend broke up with me and called me a stalker, lol. He said I was too clingy. Just remember, the worst she can do is say no.
Homework that is due tomorrow please help thanks?
Why are women thought to be less imaginative in horror and macabre stories than men? is this fair? Why do you believe what you do? are men and women better at writing different kinds of stories; for example are women better at writing romantic stories than men?Explain your beliefs
What is the process of becoming an RN?
Like some colleges say going from CNA to LPN and stuff like that. And idk what all that means. I would appreciate anyones help.
Has she ever pouted her lips and called you "Pookie"?
a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmwTK7UBd8E" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmwTK7UBd…/a
Belly on Piercing?
Does anybody know of a place were you can get a Belly on Piercing in Yonkers orr in Fordham without a Parent. And also that they give you a good choice of a belly ring...and price doesn'tnt really matter..but i would like to know anyways..All answers are appreciated
Is he a player or should i pursue him?
This guy just started at my work place and when i told him i liked him he said he barely knew me but he thought i was a great person so far. He said there was also someone in his life right now that he was after. I was like ok what ever that is cool. Than the next week at work he teases me like crazy and talk to me. He is always makiing fun of me and when i get frustrated at work he tells me i am awesome and should not let work get to me. He teased me today and i got annoyed with him so i fought back and stuck up for myself and he was like finally your fightin back. Than i started to begin to teases, like he woul d walk in my way and i would say get the **** out of my way and he would just laugh. everytime i walked by him too he would pretend to backhand me. I was insecure about wrapping a pallet so he started it for me and made me do it no matter how hard i tried to get out of it, he just told me he believed in me and i should believe in myself. Does he like me and why is he glad i am sticking up for myslef against him now? Yesterday him and my friend at work were unloading some furniture onto the crappy wheeler we got and he looks at my friend and goes we should send her to go get the good wheeler and he looks at me and says go get it geez. I said ok i will and he is like no no i was kidding we will make due, but i went anyways and got it. When i brought it you can tell he felt bad but he thanked me a lot for it.than today when i told him i was going out with a friend for supper he is like you got a date, you got a date and he kept on. I said listen its a girl that i am going with than he is like oh is she hot? He asked what she looked like than he said maybe i want to come too to check her out. Is he a player? Does he like me? What the heck? He said to me today that he is keeping his options open
On the ps3. how do u change your name on online?
cuz my mom set it at ltard. and i dont want to be known by ltard... btw challenge me to a match ltard in svr 2009 or svr 2010 when it comes out
My college refused me placed because i made complaint?
I would go to the local newspapers, then suddenly a place will appear like magic for you, you'll see!
Hindus : Do you believe in the concept of God being merciful, if that's the case then how is karma applicable?
The concept of a personal god in Hinduism, is of the belief that God is merciful and has all the emotion of a human being. The word 'Karunyasindho' meaning 'Ocean of mercy' appears in many prayers of Hinduism to Gods who take personal form in human beliefs. For Eg, Ganesha, Krishna, Subramanya etc. The theory of Karma is a vain effort by ancient religious scholars to define many simple and often unexplained situations in life. Both are different belief systems within the religion, people dont understand the difference between the two and i am sure you wont find better answers by mixing both and asking a question.
Do you think my choir teacher is horrible? (please read)?
I'm in the 8th grade and I have a new choir teacher for this year. She's ABSOLUTELY awful. She rolls her eyes at people and everyone hates her and the music she picks out. It sounds like stuff that should be on Dora or something. And in march we're having this music day thing that we're gonna perform in. Wouldn't you think that she would pick more popular songs for us to sing? Like, songs that people have actually heard of? Nope, she goes with the kiddie songs everyone hates. She doesn't listen. Our old teacher gave us a choice. Our new one can't control the cl and just sits and plays on her computer. And the principal told the teacher that she was gonna watch her for a few minutes. So the teacher actually did what she was supposed to. She's so two faced and doesn't care about what we think.
Help need to identify mac tool p4280s?
sorry dont have pics right now but i need to know what these tools are used for and what they are called one is inscribed p4280s the other is larger but looks the same 4281 s both have threads male and female
How many of you are going to have a natural birth after you've experienced a hospital birth?
I believe you are absolutely right, and good for you for taking an interest in your options and what's best for your child. I also saw this movie. this is my first time being pregnant, but i ure you, my choice changed after seeing it. I will be getting a midwife and not one that the hospital employs. If a woman has a midwife that doesn't mean she can't deliver in a hospital and have a doctor, but i want someone who will advocate for me and let me know when the doctors "advice" isn't necessary and is really just so he can get out of there. also i believe it's important for a woman to have someone who is there just for you for the ENTIRE birth! You are right to feel so strongly and I feel the same way. Women's bodies know how to give birth all on their own. I wonder where this 12 hour maximum came from. Too many doctors missing dinner I guess. I made my partner watch the movie too and he's convinced as well. If our hospital won't allow us to use a midwife as the primary person, then we will have a home birth. No one is going to force my child into unnecessary discomfort.
Is it safe to use Miralax daily for a long period of time?
I've had every test you can think of, colonoscopy, sigmoid, barium enema, etc... Doctors came to the conclusion I have a severe case of IBS with very bad constipation. So, my doctor put me on Miralax and said I can be on this for years if it works for me. Is this safe?
Who will knock the Penguins out of the playoffs this year?
You need to chill out. It's just a sport and it's just a game. Why do you care so much? I live in Pittsburgh, and I must say it isn't that bad, compared to cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Newark, Charlotte, etc. You clearly have never visited Pittsburgh, and you clearly have nothing better to do with your time. Read a book and actually learn something other than wasting youre life away...
Did terrence mckenna ever talk about astral projection?
i'd say he would have loved the experience of astral travel. i heard an interview with him where he was saying that you cant have a psychadelic experience through meditation but i think what one experiences when taking ayahuasca or salvia can be the same as astral projection..its all going to other dimensions. anyone think this
Why would a girl tell you and your friend that she doesn't like youinthat way when she gave signs of interest?
She's probably nervous about taking that next step and she may not be quite as ready to take that next step. Just be patient with her. She may come around.
Is boyfriend an abuser....????????
well, here it is: i've been dating my bf for six mnths and we've had a lot of fun together.. he's reliable, generous etc, but has some issues and i don't know how big they'll get. he offered to drive me to my interview which was at 11 am, but i told him it was at 10 because i didn't want him to get me there late as he's done b4. when i told him he lost his temper and started acting mean and said he'll end the relationship forever etc.. i ended up cryin out of frustration and he was still complaining.. he always complains about the perfum i wear, never compliments me when i get my hair done and just seems to always be complainin about something! then after the interview incident he asked me if i met somebody else this weekend cuz i told a lie about my interview being earlier what else i'm i lyin about?? what do u guys think is it me or him?
If I make an appointment with my doctor do my parents have to know?
Recently I have realized that I want to get myself birth control pills. I am 16 and I don't want to ask my parents for them, I am positive they would say no. I know I need a prescription, which I'm pretty sure would require a doctor's appointment. Is there any way I can do that without my parents knowing? (I don't know if it would help any, but I go to Kaiser)
Drivers Ed. Help please 10 points to best answer!!?
This definition of a "drug addiction" is perhaps the most straight forward meaning I have seen in quite some time. In my opinion, this definition points out the fact that those that have alcohol or other drug and substance abuse issues, they suffer from it because it is a disease. It is just what that definition says it is. It is "uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use". The thing is those that have issues with drug use as it relates to alcohol or illegal possession of marijuana and other drugs, they usually don't think about the consequences. They don't think about it because the chemicals impair their judgment and they are living off of the cravings and the addiction that they suffer with. Those drugs have deadly effects and if they discontinue taking them, they will suffer greatly from withdrawal symptoms. Overall I think the definition makes it clear, that those that abuse drugs are not aware of the dangers they can cause, and if they are aware, they obviously don't care about their own safety or safety of others, and they only act based off of the lack of the drugs that their bodies are not getting. Its a disease and thankfully there is help for issues like these.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What is the degree to which the states of Eastern Europe, are racially diverse?
well I'm form Bulgaria. We have some ppl from afrika they come to study in the univerities and I tnhik we are getting some vietnam workers next year due to workforce lack but we have a lot of gypsies so believe me we are racially diversed. Actually we don't mind afro and latino amerikans, got too many problems with the gypsies though..
Where can I find crochet patterns of a cute panda aviator hat?
I need an easy crochet (not knitting) pattern of a panda aviator hat. A panda aviator hat are one of those hats that have like ear flaps that hang on the sides. They look kind of like anime asian hats. If you can't find a panda aviator hat, then any nice, cute animal aviator hat pattern would be fine. If you need more info, just ask me. Thank you!
Week 16 fantasy finals advice?
You've got a tough decision at QB but i would stick with Brady. As much as i hate the Patriots, he's a big time player and you wanna keep big time players in always. At WR i say Edwards, Driver, and Johnson. Kickers can go either way but i think Keading may have the edge. And Tampa for defense is a sure bet against San Fran cause Carolina's got a good, strong, clicking offense.
Buying Computer-Don't know alot about computers... requesting help?
Well having not bothered to look at what you're going to buy, I would tell you that it would be more important where you bought it and not necessarily which one you bought. Best Buy will give you better support than walmart. If something happens with the one from walmart where are you going to go? They don't have any service for their computers or any of the other electronics they sell. Best Buy does. So if something went wrong, you could go back there and they would be able to fix it for you. Good luck with that at walmart.
What percent of high schooler's have tried drinking before? (in the U.S.)?
I am in high school and it seems like 99% of my clmates have not only tried drinking, but drink regularly. Just wondering.
Is this college list good with these reallyyy bad SAT scores?
A lot of schools look at the whole picture, the fact that you've been involved in plenty of extra-curricular activity may out-weigh poor SAT scores. Your course load also sounds pretty impressive, so many schools may wonder why your SAT scores are so low. Try to have VERY impressive admission essays, and if you have an opportunity, explain why your SAT scores are so bad (some people just don't test well and many colleges understand that) Ask your English teacher to check them and read them over and over until you've got it perfect. Also if I were you, I would take the SAT one more time (I think you can take them up to 3 times before they start averaging out still, right?) Try to get a good nights rest before hand and be very focused. With your GPA, there is no reason you should be having such a low score on the SAT!
I have a deposit for a ring and want to spread the costs on credit?
i've seen a store that does 0% apr for 12 months at affordable repayments if I apply in store how long would a credit check take plus I have to sign to there credit card for repayments, I just wanna know whether I would be able to get the ring today?
Did Jesus come to the Hindus as Krishna?
Just as there are different mothers but motherhood is common in them likewise there is something common in them say the personality of God dominating their souls and life. There are no prevalent matchings between the duo but it is said in Christianity that Jesus will come with a sword say after 2000 years or something & regarding one pendencies of Avataars in Hinduism it is told that Kalki wud be the last avataar of Lord Vishnu with a sword in his hand. Looking to this similarities we can say that a new personality wud evolve in page of time. This Christians wud be terming as Jesus with a sword and Hindus might term him with Kalki. That way we can say although Jesus did not came to Hindus as Krishna but still both of them did the homework for God bcos actually it is God's duty to drag or lure people to good path but both this personalities did homework for God and became his favourite by helping them and gained great heavens with almost say eternal life and post of God as we can see Churches of Christ and temples for Krishna. If there is any real God in this world it is possible that by worshipping this duo he must be accepting this as worship to himself thats why so many people feel that Jesus is God and others feel Krishna is God. Whereas in fact in Hinduism it is told that supreme God is yet undiscovered. Truths when digged out reached upto Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. Beyond that even these eldest of powers in the universe utilise their abilities to see God but what they can see through faith is not possible to see in reality . Parbrahma or Supreme truth or Supreme God in Hinduism is termed by Shrimannarayan,Shri Maha Ganapati,Bhuvaneshwari etc. but they are not seen except through faith. Ganapati is avataar of Maha Ganesh,Durga is avataar of Bhuvaneshwari, & Lord Vishnu & his other expansions or Avataars are again considered to be avataars of Shri Man Narayana. However some people also believe Lord Vishnu to be the final truth.
What would you do if someone called you a terrorist?
What an insensitive jerk! Change dentists, certainly. You might also want to consider telling the licensing board for dentists in your state about this; they will most likely not do anything, but they ought to know. If his judgment is really as bad as that, there may be other complaints about him. Just a thought.
Is there such a thing as reincarnation?
I don't know what we can expect after we die, since there is no proof...But i was wondering what some of your thoughts were. Do we reincarnate?
Someone just unveiled a new plan for universal healthcare: what do you think?
Male bovine excretement. With usual government inefficiency this will cost a bundle of bucks from our pockets and what healthcare there is will be made worse. Life (if we are lucky) goes on.
How does a credit card transaction work when the seller withdraws money?
I always wondered about this. How does the seller withdraw the money from the credit card account immediately? It is very mind boggling. Any sort of help would be appreciated. Thank you.
How can I remove my wife's name from the deeds to our house without renewing mortgage?
My wife and I are separated and going through a divorce. She has said that she does not want anything to do with the house (there is no equity at present and I am paying the mortgage). My wife left the matrimonial home when we separated. I need to keep the house on as I have my two children who I have to stay over three/four nights a week, I do not want to sell it. I have looked into remortgaging the house in just my name but cannot raise the necessary amount. Can I get her name removed from the deeds - she is thinking about declaring herself bankrupt as she has racked up a lot of debt since we separated and cannot afford the repayments
Israeli-Arab conflict and the rules of political correctness?
Think the Palestinians would do them selves a huge favor by hiring a top notch PR firm here in the US to get there issues across rather then blowing them selves up and constantly shooting them selves in the foot over the valid issues they do have.
Why are we giving U.S. farm subsidies to Brazil's cotton farmers?
Without reading the article, just commenting off the top of my head based on what I know about Brazil's unemployment relating to the destruction of the rainforests in Brazil -- I'd have to say it's worth it to keep the planet's lungs working.
k i have a trade question....if he is offering danny granger for my carmelo anthony what do i do????
Please inform me, i am looking for max diplomatic courier services?
My family got a new friend...he send a packet. Inside of the packet are laptop, money and jewelry. He send is using max diplomatic courier service. The packet arrive in Kualalumpur now. to get that packet my sister should pay special clearance. but before transfer that money through western union..i checked that courier in UK where that packet come from. And the result i could find that courier service name in UK. Please help to inform that this real or just fake.
Does anybody know of genuine wholesalers of sports cards?
I am seraching for real wholesalers, not something like price grabber, or overstock where you're paying a 115% premium on "wholesale" - I am hoping to find something that I cant find just by googling. Thanks!!
Is Mourinho even half as good as Mancini was?
Mourinho is overrated and arrogant, I'm not a fan of Inter but Mancini did allot for the club and didn't deserve to be sacked.
Lutherans: How is your communion different from Consubstantiation?
They do sound pretty much the same, for all intents and purposes. But the Lutheran reformers tended not to use that term because they regarded it as an overly-philosophical attempt to explain the mystery of the Eucharist, much as they rejected Transubstantiation for the same reason. They were content to say that with the bread and wine one recieves the true, substantial Body and Blood of Christ- the details of how this happens are left up to God. The Eucharist is a mystery much the same as how Jesus can be 100% God and 100% Man at the same time. Our feeble human minds cannot wrap around it in a logical way, so you have to accept what Jesus says and leave it at that.
I have a paper due on psychology PLEASE HELP ME!?
i wright papers for school and i think it is all ways better to wright the theist statement last and just insert it but make SURE that you but it in.
Splinter Cell: Conviction. Mark & Execute....xbox 360?
You have to execute someone by hand first. It also has to be stealth kill. You can't just walk up in front of him and punch him in the face. Stealth kill and then you have mark and execute options. So, press RB when your reticle or crosshair is on an enemy. Once you've marked whoever you want then press Y. Remember, that there's a limit to how many people you mark and it also will alert others when they fall. So think carefully about who, when and where you want to execute. It's actually really simple. It might be because your gun of choice doesn't have the mark and execute feature? Not sure though because I haven't encountered this problem. It might be your gun. Try choosing another gun and try it. If it doesn't work then I'm not really sure. Just make sure you've got a stealth kill, and marked people with RB, then press Y to execute. Hope this helped!
I Feel Bad?
i was playing a joke on a boy from school saying i was some1 i made up on msn coz my friend has a crush on him and goty his addy and gave it to me.we talked 4 ages and like then i gave him like pretty ummm clues that i thought gave it away like my nick name and stuff.Im preety sure he knew it.Then i sed soz coz i felt bad.And he went offline.Is there anithing else i should do?
Does anyone know about Umbilical cord cysts?
I'm 24 weeks pregnant and the doctor just found a cyst on the umbilical cord. Does anyone have any info they can give me?? I am worried and can't find any info. Has anyone else gone through this and if so what happened?
Why are we trying to colonize Mars, or the Moon, Whats wrong with being right where we are???
I don't believe that anyone has plans to colonize either one. Although exploration bases may be constructed, astronauts will be rotated in being there for any length of time. There are far too many problems involved such as radiation, gravity, and lack of sufficient oxygen among others which makes colonization improbable. These places are studied to learn more about the geology of our Solar System and we can use this to understand more about the history and makeup of our own planet. Man will most likely never permanently live anywhere except Earth.
I'm bulimic, need 2 lose more weight fast!?
am bulimic, not afraid to admit it...I'm not a skinny one tho...I am quite plump. I weigh about 150. I lost about 50 pounds last year because of it. I kind of got away from it for a while because I was content with my weight. Recently I have gained about 15 pounds back and its killing me. I am back home for a while and I see my skinny *** sister, )that my husband constantly eyes down by the way) waltzing around here, I just need to kno a faster way to get the weight off. I am on birth control which I know has contributed to my weight gain. Do I need to stop them and then try? IDK...I am desperate..Any ideas?
Creepy Disaster...?
Tsunami, if I could only pick one. I've never seen one before. I've seen a hurricane, tornado, cyclone, volcano, and earthquake on t.v. but never a tsunami. I mean come on, a giant wave of water slamming into a city. Oh, did you know tsukamis are caused by earthquake. It's true. =D -not crazy either-
How can I get tickets for a live taping of the second season of Sonny with a Chance?
I've been checking tvtickets constantly since february this year and tickets for a show never came up. They come up all the time for suite life, Bridget Midler's new show and even occasionally Wizards, but never for Sonny with a Chance, and I found out yesterday that there was a live taping on the 13th! But it was never on the website i usually go that claims that their studios are where sonny episodes are filmed. A little help?
How to pull out a tooth NO DOORKNOB TRICK THINGY!!!??!?
Well its really wobbly, but when i wobble it and yank it down, it just hurts major and springs back. I dont know wht 2 do coz wenever i eat, chew or wobble it it hurts bad :( Helpp plese! And no 'go 2 the dentist' or 'attach it 2 the doorknob' or 'chew something chewy' pleasee thx :)Xx
I'm 21 yrs old, and 8 weeks pregnant. i have another year left of school before i graduate. currently, i'm not
working, just going to school. . my question is, what are the benefits and help i can get for my baby, like WIC? etc. can i apply for housing? can i get medicare for my baby? i need lots of help, as a single mother. thanks in advance.
How compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) Works?
CFL does not need traditional ballast to light it up. It converts 120V ac into 120V dc. to power a 50KC RF oscillator to light up the fluorescent tube. This electronic module is so small and light weight that can fit the small lamp base.
Tauren or Night Elf Druid in World of Warcraft?
I'm fine with either, not really faction exalted or anything just want to have a good time. I love the tauren and night elf druid forms and them themselves... just dont know what to choose :\
What is a Danny Way Type A snowboard worth?
It is dark blue and black on top, white on bottom with the logo. 153 centimeters. Has Preston EX bindings and came with Thirty Two brand boots. Needing to sell it but want to get an idea what its all worth. Paid $500 for it 10 years ago. Anybody help please. Thanks.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
When is someone ever going to write a book about all of the white people who fought against slavery ?
My grandparents built slave escape routes in West Virgina, risked their lives. Many of my family died in the Civil War fighting against slavery. You never ever hear about the white people who died and sacrificed and fought against slavery, or the sacrifices the whites made fighting against other whites to free the slaves. Over half a million whites died in the civil war to free slaves. I do not see them honored anywhere or even a holiday marking their sacrifice.
Why doesn't my Yardman snow blower spark?
I have a Yardman 31220-8 w/ a Teseh H50-6520 1J engine. I just rebuilt the carburetor and did not have this problem before the rebuild. I could get it started, but it wouldn't stay running, before the rebuild and had good spark. Now there is 0 spark and I have tried 2 different plugs. HELP!! Many thanks!
Where to get wizards of waverly place episodes list?
a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wizards_of_Waverly_Place_episodes" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wiz…/a
I am going to be alone on New Years Eve?
yeah so i am going to be alone, my mom up stairs my dad in bed at 9 and my brother being anti social. we usually have a party in my basement, me and my brother, but he abandonned me, all my friends are busy, and i dunno what to do. I will be watching Clarks Rockin New Years Eve, as usual. Also i am 13, any ideas to have a fun time leading up to midnight!?!??!?
I feel a bit depressed at school..?
LOL you care what others think, who cares what they think seriously!The "friends" that ditched you were losers and the people that don't talk to you are just the same. You will find friends just hang in there.
How is this Gaza Aid worker managing to smuggle out these reports to the BBC?
a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7802295.stm" rel="nofollow"http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_…/a
I plan to open a FREE Infant/Toddler Program, but how can I tell if someone is "truly" struggling?
Don't do it for free darl - it's human nature to take advantage and people will do just that. Have you thought about becoming a foster mother instead?
Question about Twilight Saga?
You see it's questions like this that further support the sterotype that TwiHards don't know how to read.
How do you add questions to ebay listing's?
You have to answer the question through eBay's MY EBAY page and it will post automatically. If you respond to the email through your regular email account, it will not post to the listing.
Do you think it is sometimes ok to pick on and bully someone?
Do you think it is ok if the person is insecure or has low self esteem, doesn't fight back, or is a coward or a jerk, or a skank or hoe? Or if the person is weaker than you so you can? Some of you out there must agree that it is ok to bully and pick on some guys or girls, because it happens in every school everywhere all the time.
Lol lol lol....can you imagine the situation..............?
Everton didnt lose out in 2005, is it the rule now that a defending UCL champ replaces 4th place? just asking as I dont know.
Breech baby at 19 weeks?
i had my 19 weeks TIFFA scan today..doc said baby is breech..anything to worry from your experiences...go u think it will move to head down eventually??
How did white people conquer the world?
the british empire was the largest empire in world history and controlled 25% of the worlds surface as well as population. colonies colonized by the brits such as the united states, canada and australia are among the most developed nations in the world. so im just wondering how did white people managed to do this? why couldnt blacks or asian build the largest empire in history instead?
Why do people claim Einstein was an atheist when he clearly?
Agnosticism has nothing to do with it. Einstein may have felt something like religious awe, but it was not theistic. He was talking about reason and "religious attitude", not belief in a god.
I can't quite be myself at home?
I am a very random, funny, and cool person - at school. Recently I had kind of a personality change, I used to be a know-it-all teacher suck-up, but now I'm more relaxed and funny, but I still get good grades. I have a variaty of interests, and one of my main ones is acting. I really want to be am actor, but my family doesn't have much money, and my mom doesn't think I should be. More importantly, my mom still thinks I have my old personality. I'm mor relaxed at home, but she doesn't really understand me. There's stuff like t-shirts that I want to get that she frowns upon. I just really want to be myself, but I'm afraid of hurting her. I want to pursue acting, but my mom thinks I'm too young. I have almost a conpletly different life at school, and I really like it, and so do my friends. If my friends come over, I have to act different. What should I do?
Have you ever read an entire dictionary?If you have,help me out I'm trying to do the same?
Ok,I have started reading an Oxford dictionary.I have completed reading all of the entries for 'A' now.O boy!did it take me a long time to do that.This is how I actually read the dictionary.I try to read almost all the words in a page even those I formerly knew,to find a better way of using the words,I jot down the words I have never seen before and their meanings,Occasionally I jot down an example too for words that are complicated to use,I also write down unfamiliar idioms I come across and their meanings and also jot the occasional example.My questions-Am I being too -retentive?How long did it take you to finish?and Can you advise me on how to continue this feat atleast in a faster more feasible way?
Who would win this matchup?
Squad 1. They are the better defensive team. Squad 2 is a donut defensively. Heck, nobody on squad 2 is known for his defense.
If I have given notice to leave the flat before the contract finishes can I stay till the contract finishes?
You will need to contact the landlord to see if it has been released (sounds like it shouldn't be) and make sure you keep the utilities in your name until the end of the lease if you keep possession until the end. If it is vacant and the utilities are off then it can be considered abandoned and landload can take possession.
Riding lawnmower has no spark from solenoid to starter?
have sear riding lawn mower new key switch new solenoid nwew batter have no spark from solenoidto starter
DBZ Tenkaichi 2 wii teleport help?
You only have to press down in the pad or get the pointer out of the screen in the exact moment that the impact touch you
Split A/C selection for office room?
There are lots of factors to consider and from the information you have supplied it is difficult to be advised. The capacities available do not differ much so I would go for the biggest one to be on the safe side.
No Goal??? WTF???
Wow it seems like refs are getting worse and worse these days. I hate the Red Wings, but that was a HORRIBLE call. Come on Red Wings win the damn game! The Avs need to catch Anaheim! (Avs are only 2 pts. back with THREE games in hand).
How long do you think it will take now?
okay so my little boy will be 3 years old on March the 29th. and he is just now showing a really big interest in potty training. he loves the potty dance comercial that comes on t.v. so the other day he and i went out and i let him pick out his new big boy underwear all by himself. through the day i have been putting them on him, and i tell him specifically don't let Elmo get wet or dirty and if he needs to go pee or poop to come tell me and i will take him to the potty. he has been doing this just about every time over the entire weekend, but we just haven't been making it in time and he's messed up quite a few pairs of undies. i want to keep at it like this as i feel that he is very close to getting it. he even gets really upset when he doesn't make it in time, he says oh no and starts to tear up. what else can i do or should i be doing to help him get to it in time? he has gone through a lot of underwear and it's tough because our apartment has no washer and dryer so i do laundry at the laundromat once a week. he does have some pull ups, but he really doesn't want to wear them he wants to wear the underwear, so we have only been using those at night.. so my questions are, once your child really started taking a big interest in it how long did it take him or her to really get it? what other things can i do to help him along? i have been trying to do the sticker reward thing, but until he really makes it to the potty on time i can't give him one, although he does know they are there and really wants one. please any advice or tips would be appreciated.. really want to nail this for the most part before his birthday... thanks! =)
What song do you find really powerful and moving?
i really like the dark waltz i think its just beautiful and this is coming from someone who like rock lol but what really moves you
Do u think i should do this?
i have 2 dogs a labrador and a chug and i want another dog i want a chihuahua i was just going to buy it and bring him home i dont no should i do it tho because they said no but if i just bring it home they cant do anything well they can tell me toget rid of it but i can say that i found it what do you think
Ok so is it normal to enjoy needles?
ok i love needles i woul stab myself all day if i could i wanted to try heroin because i love needles so much but is it normal to enjoy them this much i use to play a game called BIOSHOCK and to get ur magic points back u would half to inject toxins and stuff into ur blood stream im kinda getting influenced by this a little. but i dont know
My gf family is racist what should i do?
my gf is spanish and i am part blk and her mom hates blk ppl when she told me that i didn't mind cause her mother had her traumatizing reasons so i let it go plus she never said nothing rude to me so i didn't mind up until i few weeks ago when i found out her whole family is racist her dad always makes commits like hes an ok blk boy cause your kids wont be too dark i just want to flip out on him but i always brush it off out of love 4 her but i am growing tired of this what should i do? i feel like ending this relationship
Would you wear formal gloves with this dress?
Yeah, I support you in your idea to wear long satin gloves with this kind of dress. You know, long gloves don't look great only with formal dresses but also with more casual dresses. The combination of a formal accessory (i.e. long gloves) with a casual dress looks really original! I really don't get why the people answering here are so much against gloves; they look very cly and feminine! Go for it!
How to tell if you won a seventeen freebie??
i think i wona seventeen freebie cause my name is posted on the list but i never got an email or anything i got a phone call but i missed the call so i dont know if i won? are you supposed to get an email?
Doesn't Spencer always look angry?? Anyone see the last episode of The Hills?
Spencer looks like he wants to kill her parents when they ask him about Heidi only having him in her life and no friends etc. And then when they ask about Lauren. He's a controlling weirdo. You could tell her parents thought he was an idiot. At least they have it right. Heidi is clueless! And on the upcoming episode when he's mad at Brody. I think he needs anger management!
Just bought a new house... child support?
You need to sit down together and COMMUNICATE with each other to determine what you both need to do. Perhaps you can work something out with your mortgage company. If not, then perhaps you'll need to let the house go back to the bank. I know you may be feeling overwhelmed being the only source of finance. But she is contributing more than you can imagine. If she had a job outside the home, her pay would be going all to child care alone.......BELIEVE IT! Please think of your wife as truly a very strong et...Best Wishes.....♥♥
A friend told me there was such a thing as prenatal ? Does this really exist because that is horrid
Ive NEVER heard of that....but I dont doubt it. There are some sick people out there and some even more sick es.....but I dont see why the dr couldnt print the pic and give it directly to you!! I had someone e mail me on myspace and tell me I should take down the pictures of my newborn son because people get off on those pictures....I was like you have got to be KIDDING ME!!! You cant even be a proud parent and show your babies off anymore!!!
In Ameica "Anything is Possible" ... Is Obama Proof We Have Gone Too Far?
Yes you are absolutely right the DNC went nuts, hijacking Michigan votes. HOWEVER! The convention is still upcoming and we still have time to change the scenario. Let's get the superdelegates to switch their support for Obama to Clinton and help elect Hillary CLinton!! Let's raise hell at the convention in Denver!
Ok now my dad is acting all nice, idk what to do?
I think you should leave if you want to. Your dad has no room to tell you to get a job when he doesn't have one himself. I'm guessing your source of money comes from your mom. If she cuts you off and tells you to get a job then I would do it. Since you're in College, and actualy doing something with your life, that's respectable. If your dad keeps giving you ****, I'd just go get an easy part time job and choose the hours you want to work, then he can't give you any crap
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I believe i have found the one?
this man is someone i meta couple of years ago and don't remember! now, this man accepts me as i am, he told me he does, God has blessed me with someone that's equally yokes! he tells me to stay focused! and i feel veryy comfortable..... its like there is nothing missing, he loves me for me! he shows me, he doesnt just tell me! and when he is mad at me, he loves me at the end, he says that regardless of the mistakes i make, he loves me through it, could this be the man God choose for me!!?
How to deal with a girlfriend and her parent's lying to you? (Lengthy but a good one)?
ok all these things have happened so why are u still with this girl? Run for the hills because this family is really messed up.
Who do I ask for help with my charity ?
last year I made a huge move across the world to Zimbabwe and I have been devastated by the poverty and political turmoil that I see every day. I came here with a very open mind and I now feel I am starting to lose hope. I have fallen in love with a tiny town called Nyanga and I am trying my hardest to help at the local hospital and orphanage as much as I can. The hospital has almost no staff, no I V fluid, no plaster, face masks disinfectants etc. All the basic requirements are missing and yet the people that work there do it with so much pion and sacrifice. The orphanage has broken my heart, the children are sleeping on the floor and only have one set of clothes each. I really don't know how I am to make a difference by myself. I have emailed soooo many churches and had no replys. I have plenty of time and motivation but no finance. Please suggest something.
How much power do I need?
550 or 600 watt PSU is more than enough for many years of use and abbuse. Just buy a good one for better life time i-e collermaster etc
High IQ, Low Grades??
Part of the growing up process is becoming independent of your parents... your first step would be too figure out what you like and major in that field..
Boyfriend issues lol?
ok so this guy i had a MAJOR crush on.. bryton asked me out one night on messenger and i literally died with joy and came back to life! we've been going out for about 3 weeks now and he's kinda shy and i knew that when i said yes... but im the one who always has to start the conversations or go by his locker or something... and im the one who even had to ask him to spring fling (school function) and i was getting annoyed by him like ignoring me so i just kinda stopped going by him first for a day and after school i was talking to his best friend... jake, and he said that bryton said oh yea i dont want to or have to talk to her... and jake said that he responded to that by saying yea even if u dont want to u kinda do have to talk to her cuz she's ur girlfriend, but bryton wont listen to him cuz jake's last relationship he got dumped... and now everyone is telling me to break up with him, but i dont want to i like him too much, i just wish he would give me a little mor attention... help?
I'm getting my first tattoos!! Yay! Help me?
Don't ever ask for tattoo ideas. You're no longer doing for yourself at that point. It is going on your body and holds meaning to you. If you don't have any solid, good, meaningful ideas DO NOT get a tattoo!!!! Don't do it because everyone else is, be original.
How quick will Liberals turn on Shirley Sherrod?
It's funny. I said that Republicans are predictable earlier when I said that the Republicans are going to be blaming Obama for firing Shirley Sharrod rather than accepting that Fox News had a hand in it when they intentionally misled the public. Sure enough...
Choosing part to audition for?
Alrighty, so the school show for the spring is Once Upon a Mattress, and I want to go out for the Queen or Lady Larken. For those of you who know the show and the music, I am a soprano but can sing alto, and idk what part to audition for. Please help?
Gays being discriminated against?
This is tricky. Statistically, being gay greatly increases the likelihood of carrying an STD. However, with increased education and acceptance this is changing but the stereotypes are not. I can understand why it would be offensive to a willing donater to be rejected based on something so personal. However, until every donation can be tested in a timely and affordable manner, I think this is a reasonable caution.
I keep getting a Runtime Error?
I am getting A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to Debug? Line 1 Error: Yahoo.util is null or not an object. I have to hit yes to debug 6 times to get anything to come up. It does this everytime I go from page to page.
Air Force Jobs question?
Does anyone know anything about these jobs (How hard is it to get in with these jobs, etc): Missile and Space Systems Electronic Maintenance, Aerospace Physiology Apprentice, or F-16, F-117, RQ-1 and CV-22 Avionics Systems Apprentice. I am really interested in these =) Thanks for your help.
Where can I find gothic/victorian home floor plans?
I'm looking for some very old and beautiful large gothic blueprints, but so far everything Ive found was too modernized can someone ist me in where to look (online)? thank you
Can you graduate from a trade school with an LPN degree then move to a university to earn you RN degree?
Can someone please tell me if they know of any schools or institutes where i can obtain an LPN certificate fast. (In NYC) Thanks for your time!
Does the amount of co2 in the air have anything to do with ozone depletion?
I think the ozone is depleted by something else and that co2 is the cause of the green house affect but nothing to do with the ozone
Can my father beat me with a belt?
He and my mom use to do it all the time but as i got onler they stoped my father started getting a attitude in the past 3 months with me and today he told me to do something and i asked "you couldnt do it?" and he went and got a belt to beat me but i did what he asked can he legally do this? Im 16 and i live in trinidad
I have a gpa of 3.6, but I only made a 18 on my act. I decided to go to volstate then transfer. Is this good?
I really want to get into MTSU after 2years at Volstate. I'm majoring in nursing. I have always wanted to be a pediatric nurse. If I enroll at MTSU as a transfer student. Do I have a better chance getting in and earning more scholarships. I am a very dedicated student. In high school, I graduated with honors and made mostly A's and B's the only C I made was in Chemistry Honors. I took college algebra in high school, was in honor society and a health club called HOSA. I would be fine if only I was a good test taker. Some reason I can't take timed test and my weakness is math.
Dog Food Veterinary Diets ?
My great dane puppy was switched to purina veterinary diets for large breed puppies due to allergies, It costs about $60.00 a bag, and he goes through just over a 35lb bag a month at 6 months already and he will go through almost 2 bags a month when he is full grown, and I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a "cheaper" dog food i could mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with (he is allergic to pedigree) that has similar ingredients?
What cards to add to my main deck and my side deck?
Um...this is the Joey Structure deck, vol.2. Its a crappy deck. Buy the Warrior or Spellcaster Structure deck.
Jonas Brothers and Kristi Yamaguchi??
Kristi Yamaguchi works for Disney too. She has the annual Kristi Friends and Families Ice Show and the Jonas brothers will be the music headliners.
Which spelling do you like better, and why?
Your list is a little too long :). I like the "oddly spelled" ones just because they're kinda unique. I prefer unique names to common names.
What do you do when your compost barrel has a bad odor?
add lots of dry leaves or shredded newspaper.... you have too much 'green' stuff and it's going to slime..... add the 'browns' and then water it well and turn it.....
What happened to the HMS funeral procession?
It seems like all the doubters and haters had them written off already but finishes from 2nd to 7th have 3 of the 4 HMS drivers in chase contention right now. It's STILL too early to read too much into the standings at this time but the early talk of their demise was grossly exagerrated and misguided. And Kyle Busch, the hater's golden boy, has fallen behind Jr LOL Your thoughts please. Jimmie, STILL GOING FOR 3 STR8 N '08!!!
Presidential Campaign, Bush - McCain - Obama, US Economy Bailout, NWO?
I know that the 700 billion plan is part of the grand scheme of things. It is too obvious. The best way to get someone to sign a flawed contract is to rush them. Far as Obama/Mccain, I don't know who to trust. Everyone needs to look on the back of the dollar bill! I said too much already.
What do i set my air conditioner on?
is it suppose to be on fan or auto. i want it to be cold without puttin it all the way on 0. say if its 85 degrees in the house, wat shud the air be set to? and shud it be on auto or fan (wats the difference)
Monday, January 2, 2012
How is it that Americans rejoice in the killing of another human being?
Osama bin Laden may have been a terrorist, yes, a m murderer but is his killing really something to rejoice over...waving flags in the streets, chanting and shouting? The killing of an 'enemy' shouldn't be a cause for celebration, not in 2011 at least. Where has respect for human life(how ever evil it may be perceived) gone? Do two wrongs make a right?
Castle falkenstein questions....help!!!!!!!!?
I want to know the origins of castle Falkenstein in Saxon-Anhalt, Germany. I also want a blueprint/floor plan of this castle and the inhabitants of this castle back in the mideval times. Thanks. Dont get confused....this is castle falkenstein that Eike compiled the amous sachsenspiegal book of law
What was your favorite Grammy performance?
I thought Lady Gaga and Elton John were really good. Beyonce rocked it out, and P!nk's was weird but cool. What was your favorite?
Why do a lot of women mistake rudeness and being obnoxious for being ertive?
Because men and women don't think the same way. It's a fundamental psychological dichotomy. To a man, 1+1=2. To a woman 1+1=1,845,957,219. Try calling a woman a hypocrite. She'll look at you like you pissed on her ancestor's grave.
After a weekend of heavy drinking, I woke up in the middle of the night and had a terrifying experience.?
I am a 24 year old female and have been a heavy drinker for about 3 years now and had been drinking for about 3 days straight. I had my last drink around 10pm and woke up at 3 am to get a drink. When i went back to bed, I started to have panic attack symptoms. My heart started racing and I started to feel delirious. I felt like I was dying and fighting to stay conscious. I was in and out of consciousness for a few minutes and I just couldn't keep my eyes open, even though I was in complete terror that I might never wake up. I also recall feeling paralyzed and unable able to speak or talk. I was trying to move my hand and say my husbands name but nothing would come out (like in a nightmare). Please someone tell me what was happening to me. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced and I want to know if I was actually close to death or just having a panic attack due to alcohol related anxiety Random note: I was hallucinating/dreaming about tarantulas. So recap, may main symptoms were: confusion, fear, delirium, delusions of impending death, sweating, heart racing, paranoia, in and out of consciousness.
Is this what humans really are?
This is nothing but drivel from someone who has been influenced by a book or video on The Law of Attraction. Look that term up online for lots more info. If you want to try this, buy or rent the DVD called "The Secret".
High instances throughout world history of women iconic for pioneering their field abandoning women as whole?
Other than by being born female by chance rather than choice, objectively how much did many women like Queen Elizabeth, Catherine the Great or Cleopatra, synonymous with being symbols of power, liberation and progress for other women, actively do to fight the injustices that women in general faced within their societies? How many female heads of state outside of recent history can be attributed with significant if any social reforms in that regard?
Copyright infringement?
Do all current Blu-ray players upscale standard definition DVD's?
yes most blu ray dvd's do upgrade upscale reg. dvd's unless the blu ray comes with two trays one for regular dvd's and one for blu ray..personally i think samsung is leading the way for blu ray dvd players so if ur looking to buy one i would go for a samsung they might be more expensive but u definitely pay for wat u get
Would it be better to contribute money to a TSA (403b) or a Roth IRA?
Right now I contribute to both. However, my mortgage payment is going up, and I need the extra money. Do I stop contributing to the TSA or the IRA? Either one will provide me with the extra funds that I need for the mortgage.
The Painted Veil?
Sorry but my geography is not good enough to know if any of these cinemas are close to Belfast but hopefully one will be.
What GPA should you have to get into UNC?
I know there are a LOT of other factors, but I'm just asking about GPA for now. My GPA is a 4.75. Good or bad?
This time imperfect by AFI?
Deep deep song, most don't understand the meaning to. It begins with "I cannot leave here I cannot stay, forever haunted more than afraid. Asphyxiate on words I would say, i'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue." I tihnk this symbolizes him in a relationship in which his significant other had died. He is choking on what he wants to say to express his sorrys, and can't say them. Thus turning Blue and being drawn to a blackened sky which symbolizes him in a really hurt state. The chorus is "There are no flowers, no not this time, there'll be no angels gracing the lines, just these dark words I find. I'd show a smile, but i'm too weak, i'd share with you could I only speak just how much this hurts me." He is now mourning over her death, explaining he cannot offer flowers to fix it, and that the Angels aren't going to come for him next any time soon. Now once again, he's talking to God about how much he's hurt over the loss, saying that he can't even speak, he's weak, and deeply hurt God took her. The song then proceeds to talk about how he no longer feels real anymore, and how he is make believe in the eyes of God. And then wishes his lost one would appear and make him real. Then the chorus hits again. Same meaning. He then talks to God about how much the loss Haunts him by cutting into his day and sinking into his dreams, and proceeds to say God doesn't care he's haunted all. Then once again the chorus. But it ends with "Just how much you." Once again directed toward God hurting him. This song can have 2 meanings, a 1 on 1 bad relationship and Davey singing to her. Or a 1 on 1 death relationship and Davey singing to God. Either way works.
I have a1!yr old blk. lab. the only thing she is good at is distroying the yard and my home?
she loves playing fetch she jumps very high but she just wont listen and we are constanly on her for somthing.
What to put in a Roller Hockey Emergency Kit?!?
The stuff mentioned above is good but also the axles and bolts for the wheels to stay on the chis, extra laces, a for sure is some extra wheels ( If you have all same size get two but if different get at least 1 of each), also some extra bolts for your helmet, bearings (just a couple, like four) and the rest is up to you. I had goalie straps in mine in case my leg straps on my leg pads broke off.
What instrument should I learn?
Flute, violin, recorder, pennywhistle....if you can find teachers you might like the koto or shamisen, but teachers can be tough to find outside of Japan and both instruments are ridiculously expensive, even for cheap practice versions.
You leave home at 18 and there is a fork in the road - which do you choose?
I left home at 17 and my fork consisted of--work second shift at a factory so I could still go to school or starve and be homeless. I went to school and work. From the kids I take in, the choice always seem more similar to mine than not except a lot of them don't have the school option.
Does anybody have any good names for a boxer puppy?
I suggest you should pick a simple name that the puppy will be able to learn in a short period of time.I think that the best from your list is Leia or Chloe.
Anyone got any ideas?
Due to my husband being involved in an armed raid at his place of work, he has been off work for almost 6 months,we are now on income support. I applied for a rent rebate in January but the council failed to mention that the system would not be working for a month whilst they updated it, I complained that they had delibertley failed to notify me of this. The system was supposed to be up and running as of last Monday, apparently it only worked for half an hour ans since then has failed to function. My rent is due again this Friday but they have no idea when this will be resolved. I paid my rent in full last month which left me so broke I had to apply for a Crisis Loan. All I get when I call is that they have no idea when things will be working proberly. I am starting to wonder if this is deliberate due to it being the end of the financial year and I am so frustrated that this is putting unessecary strain on myself and my family but they just don't give a fig.
Does anyone know any websites or methods to help increase back posture?
My back posture always seems to be slouching but i find that im having troubles improving my posture does anyone know any websites or methods/exercise that may help me to improve my back posture? Thank you.
Why is Sir Alex Ferguson acting so innocent?
I watched the video on BBC SPORT with him talking about Rafa Benitez... Who exactly does Sir Alex think he is these days? I seem to remember, Alex shook Rafa's hand when we handed it to them at OT earlier in the season, He didn't say much then did he? Nope.. We all know about how Alex moaning about countless things, giving Beckham a cut eye even though Alex is supposed to be the Saint.. Mind games maybe but I'd really laugh at his reaction if Liverpool won the Premiership... What would he say?? lmao.
Is there some sort of strange liberation in being down to your last nickel?
The thought of that happening makes me physically ill. Thinking of the desperation one must feel especially if children are involved must be overwhelming. It's a huge problem alot of us are facing these days. You have to take help where you can get it and except help from others willing to give it.
I can't stand my father in law! How can I tolerate him better?
He is a flithy person, cares nothing for hygiene (he purposely let his teeth rot so that they would fall out and he wouldn't have to deal with them and could get dentures which he doesn't even bother to wear. He lets his dog sniff, lick, and eat roadkill. He beats the crap out of my sister in laws dog that she trusted to him because she's having a hard time in life and doesn't have a place of her own right now. He is reprehensibly rude and ungratful to anyone for anything. If you do something nice for him all he can do is ask for more. I try so hard to be nice to him, but he does the meanest most disgusting things all of the time. He leaves horrible messages on my answering machine that anger me so much that I just want to scream! And when I get mad at him he just brings up the fact that his life sucks and he's in a wheelchair, his wife left him for another woman...because he was an abusive pig then too. He beat all of his children, and all of his brothers are offenders (not all convicted) and I think he is too. He even madde his ex wife beat her children to save them from him beating them harder. He's just a miserable person. He just got a felony drug trafficking conviction and doesn't want to follow the rules of probation or get rid of his firearms that his friend has right now. Through all of this my husband has the hardest time even telling him off when he's a pig! He just called my house four times in a row after my husband already told him he was doing what he askedd and left two awful messages! I get that he's depressed, bitter, resentful, but he acts like a five year old that doesn't get his way--and he's nearly fifty and at least 200 pounds. Going to his house is so hard, I get angry when I pull into the driveway! He invites people to his house that he knows have stolen his prescription painkillers in teh past. He quit therapy a long time ago because 'he doesn't need it'. He is so narcissistic that it's sickening and if you even imply he may be wrong, or disagree with him, he gets violently angry and swears and yells. I take him places, take care of him, do the things for him he has a hard time doing, but he's killing me with his toxic personality! I know it's awful...I hate myself for feeling this way about a poor crippled old man whose only income is his disability social security. He makes the house so filthy. He sees dog crap in teh house and runs through it in his wheel chair and just tells me to clean it the next day. He's wreckless and is constantly hurting himself and won't listen to doctors orders. he waits until he's completely out of his prescriptions or gone days without them before telling me that he's out and needs them picked up. Jesus Christ, I'm going insane! How can I tolerate this behavior, how can I treat him nice when he treats me so badly? He's gross...I make suggestions about hygiene, I try to keep him clean and presentable. He won't shave...he only brushes his hair if he's going somewhere and it's down to his shoulders...he won't cut or shave it off and it's matted and hard to handle. In a few months he's leaving the state to live with his daughter...is it wrong that I can't wait? I feel so bad.
TuneUp Utilities 2010 Registry Defrag black screen?
Ok, I ran the TuneUp Utilities 2010 registry defrag on my dads computer, and it needed to optimize. I try to restart the computer afterwards, but all I get is the white flashing underscore, after the Acer logo where it tells you to press F2 to access setup (BIOS Settings). I am not sure why it is not restarting, but I think it is because the defrag messed it up? I may need to install a different operating system, but as of now, I think that may be my only option. Please help
What's the best activity for a teenage to girl to partake in?
Music playing an instrument is so peaceful you can express yoursellf in music, it can calm you it is just amazing. I play various instruments and it helps alot.
WDYT of these combos?
Hm.. well they defiantly are interesting names.. I like Lilyana Jeradine, and fir the boys I like Balthazar Leviathan.
I'm canadian citizen holding L-2 visa living in california, can i claim UI?
worked 11 months in california by holding TN visa, after laid off, change status to L-2 visa, can I live in california and claim UI, does this action will affect my green card application later?
Maplestory-Kradia-Zakum Helm?
I wanna buy one but which guild is the best to and is there some website where i can auction up stuff or buy stufff
Complex problem - simplest solution . Will the govt of the day listen ?
To prevent Caste based disrespect and atrocities, I intend to start a Political Party in India whose primary goal is to issue licensed Beretta Pistols to educated and responsible youth in India.
What is the most user friendly (free) blog host?
yea,blogger from google and it supports many language so he can select his native language to work with.
Does anyone know if onlines courses for nursing (RN) are still acceptable in Maryland?
I am currently an LPN looking for options to progress to my RN by taking online cles because I have to continue working at the same time and don't have the time to sit in a clroom all week. I live in Towson, Md. and I am new to the area. Please help! I do have to take the prerequisites again since I have been out of school longer than 10 years. What would you suggest?
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Why does so-called "hard" bread flour make "softer" noodles than so-called soft AP flour?
I switched the recipe from eggs, milk and AP flour to bread flour, soymilk and olive oil and got some very tender noodles...seems like there would be more gluten in bread flour and thus a more chewy noodle...they turned out good, but didn't seem to "fluff up" as much as the original recipe. What is the difference between semolina and bread flour if they are both "hard" flours?? ...Oh, and it WAS a lot harder to roll and cut the noodles with bread flour..
Anyone good at Regression?
y = the amount of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream and x= the amount of nicotine in the cigarette. The estimated model is y-hat= 1.67 + 12.395x. slope p-value = .0000 intercept p-value= .1074. i need to know if the value of the intercept has a reasonable number and why....thanks for any help
I've been anorexic AND obese for years. Negative for thyroid disease, and cushings, and diabetes. Any ideas?
I was 5"11" in high school with 32C 27 34 figure. 135 pounds was still a size 13 (33 mens). I was thin, but wide, so I looked fat, with tight clothes on, but you could see my ribs. 5 days a week I ate a turkey sandwich, milk or chocolate milk, or I'd just have a frozen yogurt. and then 4 hours later maybe I'd eat two cookies. On weekends I'd eat a basket of fries on Saturday. I did not eat on Sunday. My hair started falling out really bad, but my nails were healthy. When I got to college I was so afraid of the freshman 15. Instead I gained 85 pounds in 3-6 months. I ate 4 times a week. sometimes ramen. Usually salad and soup. Drank coffee, and worked out with the rugby team. I had 5 kidney infections in one month. Carbs in the blood, did not drink alcohol. At 220 I joined a fat boot camp. If you didn't lose weight you worked harder and didn't eat. I didn't eat usually for 4 or 5 days straight. I worked out 12.5 hours a day, rocky style, with pushups with weights, punching with weights, aerobics with weights, lifting weights while running up stairs, situps and pushups for mistakes and lots and lots of running. After 3 months I hadn't lost a single pound. Tried every diet known to man. Tried every calorie intake from 2000 to 275. Regular exercise. A few years later mysteriously I lost most of the pounds in 6 months on the pizza and vodka diet, didn't change anything but went from 220 to 180 in 4 months. Then I ballooned from 180 to 280 in 3 months and still hadn't changed anything. The weight tore my skin open. I stopped eating for weeks at a time. Now I am still at 280-285. I work out 4 times a week, do fencing 2x a week, soccer 2x a week, softball several times a week, and go out dancing 4 times a week. My knees are giving out, and I have infected cysts and boils under my skin, my muscles are thinning, my skin is thinning, and a hissing noise seems to come out of the back of my neck. My arm tore open at the pit while lifting weights. Still no muscle, it's all fat and hardly any muscle except for my calves. I eat approximately 550 to 1000 calories a day. Depending on liquids. 550 in solids. Proteins, usually in the form of low carb fiber bars, low sugar veggies, and flax and olive oils.
How can you say no to your boss?
my boss asked me if i woul wantto move in the compnany - as a small promotion which involves a loction move- i alreay say yes but after i though about it i realized that i should have said no. how should i tell him that i change my mind? or i shouldnt at all? any ideas or suggestions on that?
How narrow is the Quadrantids?
If the radiant is on my meridian 12 hours before/after the peak, am I hopeless? Would I get a better show 12h before the peak, or 12h after? I'm not sure which night to observe.
Gaza!! How do people actually work out that JEWS are not responsible for the atrocities of the Jewish State?
Yeah, right, like the world hasn't seen it's share of rabid anti-Semites. Get in line. Your kind has been vomiting for a thousand years.
Is it me or??
Is it me or are pigeons nowadays getting very bold? This morning i saw a pigeon trying to take a doughnut OUT of a boy hand/mouth as he was eating it. (it was pretty funny lol)
My Stallion, In Heat? What to do? My Mare?
I would separate them. If she can't handle the turnout situation with the rest of the horses, perhaps you could trade times in the turn out that the stallion is in. One in during the day, the other in during the night. Once he's gelded, wait about 30 days, and you should be able to turn them out together without incident.
BIG moral/legal dilemma, please give advice.?
You can just call, and tell them that you live nearby and that you wanted to make them aware that their files are open and that this is highly illegal, if not simply unethical. You don't have to tell them you looked at anything.
Why do some people try to run over animals?
My moms boyfriend is crazy or something, every time he sees an animal crossing the road or something he speeds up and swerves trying to kill it... is this normal? It seems nutty to me. Is it even legal???
My betta looks kinda sad :(?
Get him a bigger tank. The Marina Betta is only a 1/2 gallon tank, and while it is better than the average tiny betta tank, it is still pushing it toward small (1/2 gal is the minimum recommended size) and you need to be doing full water changes ever 4 days when using a tank this size. I looked at the tank, and it seems from the pics that there isn't much room with the plants for the betta to swim either. Generally bettas need 1 gallon per individual betta to be happy (so a single should be 1G, a split tank should be at 2 gal, etc). You should also have a water heater to maintain the temperature (especially in smaller volume tanks that are more easily heated and cooled by the environment) and a filter to keep the water clean. Bettas can be picky eaters and a lot don't prefer flakes. The best thing to get them is live, frozen or freeze dried food (like brine shrimp). This is sold at most pet stores that sell fish and aquatic specialty stores. If you live in a rural area and don't have access to this, you can use betta pellets. A lot of bettas don't like flakes, though.
What the European nationalist parties think about barack Obama?
Ex the BNP as they are always say they are for the indigenous population. I wonder what was their reaction as the USA elected a black man who's father is from kenya. Do you think he is their worst nightmare? because in the near future similar thing may happen here
What are the roman numeral for this?
10-22-2001 (want it as a tattoo my grandfather past away) if you know any kind of style a cool font let me know. maybe arabic numbers... anything let me know!
Get the picture yet?
i am 49 years old leic born & bred but moved away 18 years ago,on a visit 3 years ago i was amazed how things had changed from when i was a kid,growing up on the saffron est.its a slum now i will never return
Do you think that you are too stupid to home-school a child?
I agree with you 100%, but you are wasting you...fingers? (I guess it doesn't take breath type, does it). Most of the people forming negative opinions on homeschooling are just poorly programmed... convinced that anything that isn't the norm or that isn't government funded can't possibly work, and that teachers are some all-powerful beings with abilities far beyond that of any mere mortal. They refuse to see the statistics, the test scores, the social outlets available (yeah, did you know that the only two places in the entire world are your house and your school, and there's no way you can have a social life outside these two places? I didn't either.) the opportunities available, the way colleges actively recruit homeschoolers, the scholarships, the competitions being won. They're just programmed that way.
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