Friday, January 6, 2012

Drivers Ed. Help please 10 points to best answer!!?

This definition of a "drug addiction" is perhaps the most straight forward meaning I have seen in quite some time. In my opinion, this definition points out the fact that those that have alcohol or other drug and substance abuse issues, they suffer from it because it is a disease. It is just what that definition says it is. It is "uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use". The thing is those that have issues with drug use as it relates to alcohol or illegal possession of marijuana and other drugs, they usually don't think about the consequences. They don't think about it because the chemicals impair their judgment and they are living off of the cravings and the addiction that they suffer with. Those drugs have deadly effects and if they discontinue taking them, they will suffer greatly from withdrawal symptoms. Overall I think the definition makes it clear, that those that abuse drugs are not aware of the dangers they can cause, and if they are aware, they obviously don't care about their own safety or safety of others, and they only act based off of the lack of the drugs that their bodies are not getting. Its a disease and thankfully there is help for issues like these.

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