Friday, January 6, 2012

How many of you are going to have a natural birth after you've experienced a hospital birth?

I believe you are absolutely right, and good for you for taking an interest in your options and what's best for your child. I also saw this movie. this is my first time being pregnant, but i ure you, my choice changed after seeing it. I will be getting a midwife and not one that the hospital employs. If a woman has a midwife that doesn't mean she can't deliver in a hospital and have a doctor, but i want someone who will advocate for me and let me know when the doctors "advice" isn't necessary and is really just so he can get out of there. also i believe it's important for a woman to have someone who is there just for you for the ENTIRE birth! You are right to feel so strongly and I feel the same way. Women's bodies know how to give birth all on their own. I wonder where this 12 hour maximum came from. Too many doctors missing dinner I guess. I made my partner watch the movie too and he's convinced as well. If our hospital won't allow us to use a midwife as the primary person, then we will have a home birth. No one is going to force my child into unnecessary discomfort.

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