Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How do you feel about parents smoking pot?

ok people please no rude post just a question i saw on babycenter.com so i was wondering what yall think about it. well how do you feel about parents smoking pot during preagancy or after or while they are feeding. i am in school for crimial justice and have have done afew study and have my sergent tell me that he thinks it should be legel cas than they could focuse more on the drugs that do damage to people. now i know my mom was a hippe and she smoked during and while feeding and me and all of her other kids are just fine.. i have not smoked since i was 16 twenty now. i know there are so called research done on it but how do we kn ow they are not just saying stuff like that so people dont do it. but pot is 200 times better than cigerattes and beer and other drugs to me. please no rudeness i dont come on here for that thank you very much have a good day. and cant wait to her how you feel on this subject

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